gold, luxe series

A classy and stylish marble extracted from Italian quarries. This warm-white marble features bold black, brown, and unique blue-green veins throughout the stone. The warm-white background gives off a vintage and rustic feel while adding some warmth to an area using this marble.

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Marvelous matte-black quartzite imported from Brazil. Its minimalist surface makes it popular with interior designers because it is easy to match with different elements. The slab is speckled with stunning bits of gold pyrite crystal and minerals along its diagonal veins.

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Growmax 由拥有超过 45 年行业经验的先锋石材专家领导。我们为拥有马来西亚和新加坡最大的天然石材收藏而感到自豪,拥有 150 多种不同类型的材料,如大理石、花岗岩、石英岩、石灰华、缟玛瑙和石灰石。所有作品均由我们亲自策划,并全部从意大利、巴西、希腊、西班牙等地进口。


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